Personal entrante / INCOMING

Contacte con su Departamento de acogida antes de enviar la solicitud

Please contact your host Department before submitting your application

Estancias de investigación / Research mobility


Otros perfiles / Other profiles


  • Estudiantes de Doctorado / Máster

Si quieres venir durante unos meses solo para trabajar en tu tesis doctoral o trabajo final de máster, sin asistir a clases, puedes contactar directamente a un/a profesor/a especialista en el tema y pedirle que te supervise durante tu estancia. Es decisión suya aceptar o rechazar tu solicitud. Las líneas de investigación del profesorado de cada Departamento se indican en sus respectivas páginas web.

Incluye un resumen de tu proyecto de investigación y un currículum vitae. El/la profesor/a te dirá si necesita documentación adicional (p. ej., carta de presentación de tu director/a o tutor/a).  

En caso de que necesites utilizar medios informáticos o materiales del Departamento (ordenador, impresora, fotocopiadora, etc.), el/la profesor/a deberá solicitarlo en tu nombre a la Dirección y la Secretaría administrativa. 

  • Research students (PhD / Master)

If you just wish to come for a few months to work on your own PhD or Master's thesis, without taking any classes, you need to find a professor with relevant expertise to supervise you during your stay. It is at the professor's discretion whether to accept it or not. Research interests of our academic staff are listed on their Departments' websites.

Please attach a research outline and curriculum vitae. The professor will tell you whether we require any other documents (for example, a letter of introduction from your supervisor/advisor). 

If you need to use any office equipment or supplies (computer, printer, photocopier...), the professor should ask the Head of Department and the administrative secretary on your behalf. 


Consulte también nuestra página para estudiantes internacionales, donde ofrecemos información que puede serle útil durante su estancia. 


Please check our website for international students, where you will find information that may also be useful for you during your stay. 

Estancias docentes / Teaching mobility

Se espera que, como mínimo, imparta algunas clases en nuestras asignaturas regladas de grado o postgrado. Además de las clases, podría (si lo desea) organizar un seminario u otro evento con su Departamento de acogida. La mayoría de nuestras actividades son en español; su Departamento le informará sobre cuáles podrían realizarse en inglés.

The minimum requirement is that you teach a few classes in our regular undergraduate or postgraduate modules. In addition to that, you may wish to organize a conference or another event with your host Department. Please note that most of our activities are in Spanish; your Department will inform you about which of them might be conducted in English.

Important data to be completed in the Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement for Teaching

(once you have found a Department that accepts to receive you)

  • Receiving institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Erasmus Code: E MADRID03
  • Faculty/Department: Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology + name of the host Department
  • Address: Campus de Somosaguas, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), Spain
  • Country code: ES
  • Contact name, position, etc.: Here you may write the name, etc. of the Head of Department, or the UCM professor who has invited you (if that is the case). Alternatively, use the contact details of the Faculty's Erasmus Coordinator (see below). 
  • Proposed mobility programme: We kindly ask you to specify which degrees/courses you will be teaching during your stay, as well as the number of classes, topics, etc. 
  • Commitment of the three parties: On behalf of UCM, the Agreement must be signed by


 Biblioteca / Library


La entrada a la Biblioteca y la consulta en sala son libres para todo el personal visitante. Sin embargo, se necesita un carné para el préstamo, así como para otros recursos y servicios. 


There is free entrance to the Library and use of the reading rooms for all visiting staff. However, you will need a library card for borrowing books, as well as for other resources and services. 

  • Visiting Researchers: You can obtain a temporary Researcher card, and access our digital collections with your UCM e-mail. 
  • Other profiles: You can obtain a temporary Non-UCM User card (a UCM professor must support your application by signing this document). You will not have access to our digital collections without a UCM email. 

Estancias de formación / Training mobility

Para estancias Erasmus+ de formación (Staff Mobility for Training), la Facultad considerará solicitudes de personal administrativo o con responsabilidades de gestión en una universidad extranjera (p. ej., para intercambiar experiencias y buenas prácticas con una de nuestras unidades administrativas). Las estancias del personal docente e investigador pueden realizarse mediante otros programas, con una finalidad docente, investigadora o ambas. 

Our Faculty will consider Erasmus+ STT (Staff Mobility for Training) applications from foreign administrative staff or university managers; for example, to exchange experiences and good practices with one of our administrative units. Academic and research staff may apply through other mobility programmes, with teaching and/or research purposes. 


Para más información / If you need any further information: 

Vicedecano de Relaciones Internacionales, Cooperación y Movilidad

Vice-Dean for International Relations, Cooperation, and Mobility